5 Billion CFU's Probiotics - Parachinar

Friday, 17 February 2017

Item details

City: Parachinar, Federally Administered Tribal Areas
Offer type: Sell


Contact name tono lokisi
Phone 123-132-1231

Item description

Down the muscular esophagus, or gullet, to the expanded muscular pouchlike section of the gastrointestinal tract, the stomach. Specialized cells in the stomach secrete digestive enzymes and gastric juices, which act on the partially digested food. The stomach also physically churns and mixes the food. The stomach secretions include the enzyme pepsin, which acts on proteins; Super Flora Probiotics acid, essential for the action of pepsin; and an enzyme, gastric lipase, which begins the breakdown of fats. The gastric juices of young children contain, in addition to those just mentioned, the enzyme rennin,